At least 30% of Knighton’s pupils come from migrant or Non-English speaking backgrounds. The number of new migrants is growing and there are pupils at all levels of the school whose command of English qualifies them for Ministry of Education funding.
The Knighton Normal School Board of Trustees recognises that ELL students add a richness of culture and experiences to our school. We value the positive qualities these children and their families bring to Knighton. We want the children to retain pride in their own culture and facility with their first language, (and other languages), throughout their schooling.
We want them to settle into our school quickly and happily, and to acquire confidence in using the English language effectively. We will provide a supportive climate to foster interaction amongst all Knighton pupils - where children help each other and develop a growing understanding of each others’ cultures, joys and difficulties.
We recognise that many ELL students will require special support in many ways. We identify a lack of facility with the English language as being one of the main barriers to learning for some of our pupils. Other barriers could be difficulties in settling into a strange environment, cultural differences, family circumstances (including emotional adjustments, health issues, monetary matters, housing and family expectations.)
The Special Programmes Co-ordinator, in conjunction with the ESOL teacher, will monitor, review and assess current needs and trends in the education of our ELL pupils. The Principal will then determine the resources available for ELL support.
These resources will be kept under review throughout the year as priorities change: the number of pupils requiring an E.S.O.L. programme, their eligibility for Ministry of Education funding, and other available funds.